max count interfers with free operant task

David McFarlane mcfarla9 at
Thu Sep 20 19:25:44 UTC 2012

Well, just reading this over, and based upon your earlier post, I 
gather that all you really want to do is vary MaxCount based on some 
computation, is that right?  Then why not do it simply with an 
attribute reference?  E.g., in the Advanced input mask properties for 
you stimulus object, for MaxCount enter "[MaxCount]".  Then, in 
inline code just before your stimlus, put something like

     c.SetAttrib "MaxCount", your_computed_value_goes_here

I had never thought before about controlling MaxCount through an 
attribute reference myself, so before I wrote this I tested it to 
make sure it all works, and it does.  So thanks for posing this.

David McFarlane
E-Prime training 
Twitter:  @EPrimeMaster (

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At 9/20/2012 12:39 PM Thursday, free_operant_task wrote:
>I am trying to create a free operant task in which multiple button 
>presses are rewarded at a variable rate. I have inserted the sample 
>script from the eprime website that collects the RESP and RT for 
>multiple responses; on its own, this is working well and collects 
>data for each response according to the "max count" for the stimuli 
>and after the max count is reached, the trial moves on to the feedback.
>However, I want the rate of presses to be rewarded (move to the 
>feedback object) at a variable, random (between 1 & 20) rate of 
>presses. To accomplish this, I have tried adding an inline script 
>before the stimuli, which generates a random number and an inline 
>script after the stimuli (below the script that collects multiple 
>responses taken from the eprime website) with a loop that requires 
>repeated button presses until the number of button presses equals 
>the random number (generated on the inline before the stimuli) and 
>then the trial moves to the feedback. The loop is working in and of 
>itself but only if the "max count" is set to 1. When I try to 
>increase the max count, or when I try to make the max count 
>reference the random number attribute (generated before the 
>stimuli), then my script stops working.
>Any help would be greatly appreciated! Here is a screen shot of the 
>trial structure and a copy of the second inline code. Everything 
>within the two long lines is taken from the eprime website; below 
>the line is the bit of code I added.
>     Dim theResponseObject As RteRunnableInputObject
>     Set theResponseObject = 
> CRteRunnableInputObject(Rte.GetObject("FreeOperantFrac"))
>     'If the assert below fires, then the object named in the line 
> above does not exist
>     Debug.Assert Not theResponseObject Is Nothing
>     'Counter variable for the number of responses made
>     Dim nPressCount As Long
>     'Counter variable
>     Dim nIndex As Integer
>     'Used to set attributes for statistics
>     Dim strStatistic As String
>     'Enumerate through the response collection
>     'If any of the responses were made by the keyboard, display
>     'the statistics to the user.
>     For nIndex = 1 To theResponseObject.InputMasks.Responses.Count
>         'Set theKeyboardResponseData equal to the current keyboard response
>         Dim theKeyboardResponseData As KeyboardResponseData
>         Set theKeyboardResponseData = 
> CKeyboardResponseData(theResponseObject.InputMasks.Responses(nIndex))
>         If Not theKeyboardResponseData Is Nothing Then
>             'Increment the press count
>             nPressCount = nPressCount + 1
>             'Log reaction time and response for each key press.
>             c.SetAttrib "KeyPress" & nIndex & "RT", 
> theKeyboardResponseData.RT
>             c.SetAttrib "KeyPress" & nIndex & "RESP", 
> theKeyboardResponseData.RESP
>         End If
>     Next 'nIndex
>     If nPressCount <> RewardProb Then
>     GoTo Label2
>     End If
>Loop Until (nPressCount = RewardProb )
>     If nPressCount = RewardProb Then
>     GoTo RewardLabel
>     End If

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