Call for Papers: Linguistics & Literature

Dilma Maria de Mello dilma.mello at UOL.COM.BR
Wed Feb 15 14:00:58 UTC 2006


DATE:  22-Nov-2006 - 24-Nov-2006
LOCATION:  Uberlândia, MG, Brazil
CONTACT PERSON: Prof. Dr. José Sueli de Magalhães (silel2006 at
MEETING E-MAIL:  sileel2006 at
CALL DEADLINE:  16-April-2006 (Thematic Group coordinators)
   31-August-2006 (Thematic Group participants)
   31-August-2006 (Poster session)
MAJOR THEME:  Language and culture - intersections

Meeting description

Institute of Linguistics of Federal University of Uberlândia, MG, Brazil
will host the XI National Symposium on Linguistics and Literature (XI
SILEL), its 1st International edition. It aims to bring together specialists
in the areas of language studies (linguistics, literature, teacher
education, applied linguistics, ) favoring an interdisciplinary dialog.

The Symposium will consist of three types of sessions:
1) Plenary and round-table - with invited speakers;
2) Thematic group/session (TG) - will consist of three sessions of 2 hours
each, held over the three consecutive days.  Each session will be
coordinated by one researcher..
Each group will be limited to maximum 24 participants (post-graduate
students, MA or Ph.D).
3) Poster session -  will take place meanwhile and is addressed in
particular to young researchers (undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate
students) but not exclusively.

We welcome those interested in organizing and coordinating a TG to send a
proposal to silel2006 at, considering deadline 16th April 2006.
The abstracts must be formatted as following:

a) Times New Roman, size 11 (except the head), espaçamento simples, 2,0cm
inferior and superior margins; 2,5cm margin on the right and 1,5 cm on the
b) Head in bold with capital letters in times new roman 12;
c) Name of the author (s) right after the head and affiliation.
d) Abstract without paragraphs, images or graphics. References are not
necessary but if it is presented should be included in the body of the text
(last name, year and page).

After this date we welcome the ones interested in joining one TG to submit a
proposal.  The proposals are to be sent a/the to TG's coordinators according
to a list published in the Symposium web site (
The conference web site is currently under construction; further information
will be posted soon.
Details regarding conference fees and the social programme will be announced
in future circulars.

The Symposium Comittee welcomes you all and looks forward to hearing from


Prof. Dr. José Sueli de Magalhães - President
Prof. Dr. Roberto Daud
Profa. Dra. Dilma Maria de Mello
Profa. Dra. Elisete Maria de Carvalho Mesquita
Profa. Dra. Elaine Cristina Cintra
Profa Ms. Daisy Rodrigues do Vale
Profa. Ms. Maria Clara Carelli Magalhães Barata
Profa. Ms Margarete dos Santos
Profa Jakeline Fernandes Cunha de Paula

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