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Fox Barbara bfox at SPOT.COLORADO.EDU
Thu Apr 17 19:06:16 UTC 1997

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 14 Mar 1997 14:22:28 -0700 (MST)
From: "Laura A. Michaelis" <michaeli at spot.Colorado.EDU>
To: ling-dept at lists.Colorado.EDU

                     ***TENTATIVE SCHEDULE***

                           C  S  D  L  3

                          MAY 24-26, 1997
    Department of Linguistics and the Institute of Cognitive Science

GENERAL INFORMATION. The conference will be in held in the historic Hale
Science Building on the west (mountain) side of the Boulder campus.
We strongly advise you to book hotel accommodations now;
we have reserved 3 blocks of rooms at locations close to the
conference site. We also encourage you to preregister by mail
for the conference, although on-site registration will be available.
For information about registration,
transportation, and lodging in Boulder, see the CSDL'97 website:

TENTATIVE SCHEDULE. All talks and panel sessions to be held in Hale 270.

Saturday, May 24

9:00    Herbert CLARK (Stanford) Title TBA

9:50    BREAK

10:10   Liang TAO (Ohio U), Barbara FOX and Jule GOMEZ DE GARCIA
        (CU-Bldr), "Recycling, Restructuring and Replacement in Repair:
        Slips of the Tone and Other Phenomena"
10:35   Robert ENGLEBRETSON (UCSB), "Why don't all the Adjectives Go
        there? Semantic Classification of Adverbs in Conversational English"
11:00   Christine BARTELS (U-OR), "The Pragmatics of WH-Question
        Intonation in English"
11:25   Steven FINCKE (UCSB), "The Syntactic Organization of Repair in

11:50   LUNCH

1:00    Susanna CUMMING (UCSB) Title TBA

2:00    RECEPTION (Koenig Alumni Center)

3:30    Dominiek SANDRA and Hubert CUYCKENS (U-Antwerp, Belgium),
        "Fuzziness in Dutch Prepositional Categories"
3:55    Elaine JONES (U-Chicago), "Some Reasons why Iconicity between
        Lexical Categories and their Discourse Functions isn't Perfect"
4:20    Grace SONG (NW-U), "A Typology of Motion Events and their
4:45    William THOMPSON and Beth LEVIN (NW-U), "The Semantics of English
        Deadjectival Verbs"
5:10    Ljuba VESELINOVA (Eastern MI-U/U-Stockholm), "Suppletion in Verb
5:35    Meichun LIU (Nat'l Taiwan U), "Lexical Meaning and Discourse
        Patterning: The Three Cases of Mandarin 'build'"

6:00    DINNER

8:00    PANEL: "Historical Semantics".
                Participants:   William CROFT (Manchester),
                                Ronald LANGACKER (UCSD),
                                Elizabeth O'DOWD (St. Michael's College),
                                Eve SWEESTER (UCB),
                                Elizabeth TRAUGOTT (Stanford).

Sunday, May 25

9:00    Walter KINTSCH (CU-Bldr), Title TBA

9:50    BREAK

10:10   Lourdes DE LEON (Reed), "Why Verbs aren't Learnt before Nouns in
        Tzotzil (Mayan): The Role of Caregiver Input and of Verb-specific
11:35   Chikako SAKURAI (Harvard/Japan Women's U), "A Cross-linguistic
        Study of Early Acquisition of Nouns and Verbs in English and Japanese"
11:00   Michael TOMASELLO and Patricia J. BROOKS (Emory), "Two- and
        Three-year-olds Learn to Produce Passives with Novel Verbs"
11:25   Virginia C. MUELLER-GATHERCOLE (U-Wales, Bangor),"Cue Coordination: An
        Alternative to Word Meaning Biases"

11:50   LUNCH

1:00    Dan I. SLOBIN (UCB), Title TBA
1:50    Jean-Pierre KOENIG (SUNY-Buffalo), "On a tue' le pre'sident! The
        Nature of Passives and Ultra-indefinites"
2:15    David BECK (U-Toronto), "Partial Identification in the Bella Coola
        Transitivizing Middle"
2:40    Masuhiro NOMURA (Japan Women's U), "A Cognitive Grammar Approach
        to the Japanese Internally Headed Relative Clause Construction"

3:05    BREAK

3:20    Maria POLINSKY, Mary HARE and Dan JACKSON (UCSD), "Historical
        Change in a Performance-based Model: From Latin Gender to Gender in
3:45    Kaoru HORIE (Tohoku U), "From Core to Periphery: A Study on the
        Directionality of Syntactic Change in Japanese"
4:10    Ryoko SUZUKI (Nat'l U-Singapore/UCSB), "Multifunctionality: The
        Developmental Path of the Quotative TTE in Japanese"

4:35    PANEL: "Text".
        Participants:   Susanna CUMMING (UCSB)
                        Gilles FAUCONNIER (UCSD)
                        Barbara FOX (CU-Bldr)
                        Arthur GLENBERG (UW-Madison)
                        Walter KINTSCH (CU-Bldr)

6:35    PARTY. Dinner reception at Mesa Lab Facility of National Center
        for Atmospheric Research. Busses leave from north side of Hale
        Building at 6:35. Return to Hale at 10:30.

Monday, May 26 (Memorial Day)

9:00    PANEL: "Space and Language"
        Participants:   Annette HERSKOVITZ (UCB)
                        Lise MENN (CU-Bldr)
                        Dan I. SLOBIN (UCB)
                        Leonard TALMY (SUNY-Buffalo)

11:00   BREAK

11:20   Elizabeth TRAUGOTT, Title TBA

12:10   LUNCH

1:30    Seana COULSON and Gilles FAUCONNIER (UCSD), "Fake Guns and False
        Eyelashes: Conceptual Blending and Privative Adjectives"
1:55    Eve SWEETSER (UCB), "Coherent Structures in Metaphorical Gesture
2:20    Yo MATSUMOTO (Meiji Gakuin U), "On the Extension of Body-part
        Terms to Object Nouns and Spatial Prepositions: Shape and Location
        in the Grammar and the Lexicon"

2:45    BREAK

3:00    George LAKOFF (UCB), Title TBA

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