
Bella Kotik mskotik at PLUTO.MSCC.HUJI.AC.IL
Wed Dec 24 09:18:13 UTC 1997

>At 09:55 AM 12/20/97 +330,Rami Akbari wrote
>>Dear Funknetters,
>>For a research proposal, I am suggesting the following hierarchy:
>>Do you think that this hierarchy is valid ?Is intelligence part of thought
>>or vice versa?Do you believe that cognition is part of intelligence?
>>I will be glad to receive your comments.
>>Best wishes,
>>Ramin Akbari,
>>English Department,
>>Tarbiat Modaress University,
>I think it would be more fruitful if the aim of research would be clear,
since really there is cross-cuttings and overlapping of the concepts in
literature. Thus, the system you choose is dependent on the purpose. Is it
research in philosophy, psychology or psycholinguistics makes difference.
>Best wishes
>Bella Kotik
>School of Education,
>Hebrew university of Jerusalem,

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