ICLC'99 Call for papers

Ljuba Veselinova ljuba at LING.SU.SE
Wed May 6 14:11:38 UTC 1998

The 1999 ICLA conference will take place on the campus of Stockholm
University (SU) in Stockholm, the capital of Sweden, July 10-16,
1999. We invite presentations of all current unpublished research
which considers the relationship between language and
cognition. Specific areas of inquiry include, but are not limited to
the following: function and form; lexical and grammatical meaning;
metaphor and metonymy as cultural and cognitive phenomena; literature
and cognition; language change and grammaticalization; typology;
polysemy and semantic fields; discourse analysis; language
acquisition; conceptual structure; language processing; reference
theory; relationship between language and thought;
connectionism. Contributions from the fields of neuro- and
psycholinguistics, sign language research, bilingualism,
ethnolinguistics, and cognitive science are also encouraged.

Presentation formats at ICLC99 will include invited plenary talks and
20 minutes paper presentations, as well as theme and poster
sessions. Instructions for submission of theme session proposals and
abstracts for papers and posters are posted on our web site. A list of
accepted theme sessions will be published in Cognitive Linguistics, at
the ICLC99 web site, and on e-mail lists around September 15, 1998.

Registration forms and hotel reservation forms will be available at
the web site and via ftp from February 15, 1999.

                            DATES TO NOTE
June 15,  1998  Proposals for theme sessions due
Sept. 15, 1998  Notification of acceptance of theme session proposals
Nov. 16,  1998  Abstracts for papers and posters due
Feb. 15,  1999  Notification of acceptance of abstracts and posters
Feb. 15,  1999  Early registration starts

Continuously updated information about this conference can be found at


Send queries about the conference to the organizers at

                   humfak at iclc99.su.se

                   ICLC99 Surface Mail Address
                   ICLC99 (Erling Wande)
                   Faculty of Humanities, Stockholm University
                   S-106 91 Stockholm, Sweden
                   Fax: +46-8-15 88 71
                   Phone +46-8-16 29 12

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