corpus based research at Stanford

Ellen F. Prince ellen at CENTRAL.CIS.UPENN.EDU
Wed Dec 15 05:20:30 UTC 1999

>In addition to Tom Wasow's reply concerning his own corpus-based
>research, I would point you to Chris Manning, a new member of our
>department (  Manning maintains a
>very useful and well-regarded web  list of resources for statistical and
>   corpus-based natural language processing:
>In addition, Anne Copestake, Senior Researcher at CSLI, provides a
>wealth of technical and practical experience available to our student
>Joan Bresnan

In addition, you've got John Rickford...


>> `Stanford students working in syntax and semantics, for example, simply
>> start doing corpus based research as a matter of course.'
>> Is this really true? Who's teaching these classes? Have you committed
>> tenure-track faculty lines to people trained in corpus-based research? Can
>> you give me references to relevant papers written by such people or their
>> professors?
>> This sounds interesting.
>> John

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