corpus based research at Stanford

Joan Bresnan bresnan at CSLI.STANFORD.EDU
Wed Dec 15 21:36:41 UTC 1999

For the record, I should have added Elizabeth Traugott, who does
corpus work in both research and teaching, in all of her historical
courses in her course on Discourse Analysis.

The corrected list is now as follows.

People who do corpus-based research in Stanford linguistics and CSLI:

Elizabeth Traugott, Tom Wasow, Chris Manning, John Rickford, Beth
Levin, Penny Eckert, Eve Clark, Ann Copestake.

--representing historical linguistics, discourse analysis, syntax,
computational linguistics, sociolinguistics, semantics, language
acquisition, and the lexicon...

I would have thought it was completely unnecessary to point out these
obvious facts about linguistics at Stanford University, but apparently
there is quite a lot of misunderstanding or misinformation about our

This point is, data-driven methodologies in linguistics are a
long-standing tradition of Stanford Linguistics, and they are being
reinforced both by recent additions to our faculty and new research
directions among some of our continuing faculty.  At the same time, we
probably offer a greater variety of the formal modelling and
analytic techniques used in contemporary theoretical and computational
linguistics than any other linguistics department.

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