Japanese Language and Ling: Asst Prof, U/Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Makoto Hayashi mhayashi at UX1.CSO.UIUC.EDU
Sun Sep 16 21:00:16 UTC 2001

The Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures at the University
of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign seeks to make an appointment at the
assistant professor (tenure track) level to teach Japanese language
and linguistics, and direct the elementary/intermediate Japanese
language program, beginning August 21, 2002. Qualifications: a
completed doctorate in hand by the appointment date, good evidence of
strong research potential, relevant teaching credentials, and
experience in Japanese language program supervision. We are especially
interested in candidates whose research expertise lies in Japanese
language pedagogy and the acquisition of Japanese as a second
language. Half of the teaching obligation will be in language
instruction, and half will be in other general departmental courses
and in the candidate's area of specialization. Salary is competitive.

For full consideration send letter of application, curriculum vitae, a
concise statement of research and teaching interests, samples of
publications and three letters of reference by December 1, 2001 to:

Jerome L. Packard, Head, EALC,
2090-A Foreign Languages Building, University of Illinois,
707 South Mathews Avenue, Urbana, Illinois, 61801.
Tel.(217) 244-1432.

The UIUC is an AA/EO employer.

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