Fwd: Professor Akio Kamio

Matt Shibatani matt at RICE.EDU
Thu Feb 28 19:58:04 UTC 2002

>To the members of Funknet:
>I would like to express my sorrow at hearing about the deaths of Professor
>Kamio Akio and his wife.  Professor Kamio and I once co-wrote a paper
>("Factivity: 25 years later" CLS 1996).  He was also a careful reader of
>several of my manuscripts on complementizers.  He was always thorough and
>very supportive.  As Professor Shibatani wrote, his works were influential
>in various fields.  His professional contributions as well as his kind, warm
>personality will be greatly missed.
>Satoko Suzuki
>Satoko Suzuki
>Associate Professor
>Japanese Language Program
>Macalester College
>1600 Grand Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota 55105
>phone:  651-696-6723
>fax:  651-696-6689
>suzuki at macalester.edu

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