The First UK PG Conference in Cognitive Linguistics

Anu Koskela a.m.koskela at
Wed May 17 12:42:52 UTC 2006

The First UK Postgraduate Conference in Cognitive Linguistics is to take 
place on Saturday 27th May at the University of Sussex at Brighton, UK.

The conference will feature talks by postgraduate researchers, addressing a 
wide range of topics from a broadly Cognitive Linguistic perspective. In 
addition, the programme includes the following plenary sessions:

Vyvyan Evans (University of Sussex): The cognitive linguistics enterprise: 
An overview

Gilles Fauconnier (University of California San Diego): Blending theory 

Chris Sinha (University of Portsmouth): Language as a biocultural niche

For more details of the conference, including the full programme, please 
visit the conference website at

Best regards,

Anu Koskela

DPhil Candidate and Associate Tutor
Dept. of Linguistics and English Language/
Centre for Research in Cognitive Science
University of Sussex
Falmer, Brighton BN1 9QN

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