Benjamins title: Synchronic and Diachronic Perspectives on Contact Language

Paul Peranteau paul at
Wed Jun 4 20:04:33 UTC 2008

Synchronic and Diachronic Perspectives on Contact Languages

Edited by Magnus Huber and Viveka Velupillai
University of Giessen

Creole Language Library 32

2007. xii, 370 pp.

978 90 272 5254 8 / EUR 115.00 / USD 173.00

This collection of selected conference papers from three SPCL 
meetings brings together a cross-fertilization of approaches to the 
study of contact languages. The articles are grouped into three 
coherent sections dealing with, respectively, phonetics and 
phonology, including Optimality Theory; synchronic analyses of both 
morphology and syntax; and diachronic tracings of language change, 
with special focus on sound patterns as well as semantics. An added 
value of the volume is that most of the articles are in various ways 
significant for more than one linguistic subgrouping, and there is a 
significant overlap of interests; the sections also cover 
sociolinguistic subjects, give both theoretical and functional 
linguistic analyses of language data, and discuss issues of 
grammaticalization. Thus, in discussing a number of issues relevant 
far beyond the study of pidgin and creole languages, as well as 
providing a wealth of linguistic data, this volume also contributes 
to the broader field of linguistics in general.


Table of contents

Preface  ix–xii
Part I
1. Maintenance or assimilation? Phonological variation and change in 
the realization of /t / by British Barbadians
Michelle C. Braña-Straw 3–22
2. Universal and substrate influence on the phonotactics and syllable 
structure of Krio
Malcolm Awadajin Finney 23–42
3. Tone on quantifiers in Saramaccan as a transferred feature from Kikongo
Marvin Kramer 43–66
4. Morphophonological properties of pitch accents in Jamaican Creole 
Shelome Gooden 67–90
5. Effort reduction and the grammar: Liquid phonology in Haitian and 
St. Lucian
Eric Russell Webb 91–114
Part II
6. Reflexivity in Capeverdean: Predicate properties and sentence structure
Maria Alexandra Fiéis and Fernanda Pratas 117–128
7. An additional pronoun and hierarchies in creolized Chinúk Wawa
David D. Robertson 129–158
8. Three irregular verbs in Gullah
David B. Frank 159–173
9. Afro-Bolivian Spanish: The survival of a true creole prototype
John M. Lipski 175–198
10. Copula patterns in Hawai?i Creole: Creole origin and decreolization
Aya Inoue 199–212
Part III
11. On the properties of Papiamentu pa: Synchronic and diachronic perspectives
Claire Lefebvre and Isabelle Therrien 215–255
12. No exception to the rule: The tense-aspect-modality system of 
Papiamentu reconsidered
Nicholas Faraclas, Yolanda Rivera-Castillo and Don E. Walicek 257–278
13. A look at so in Mauritian Creole: From possessive pronoun to 
emphatic determiner
Diana Guillemin 279–296
14. Chinese Spanish in 19th century Cuba: Documenting sociohistorical context
Don E. Walicek 297–324
15. Comparative perspectives on the origins, development and 
structure of Amazonian (Karipúna) French Creole
Jo-Anne S. Ferreira and Mervyn C. Alleyne 325–357
Index  359–370

Paul Peranteau (paul at
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