JOB: position in ENGLISH LINGUISTICS, Lille, France

Maarten Lemmens maarten.lemmens at
Fri Oct 23 19:08:17 UTC 2009


Urgent deadline: *October 29, 16h Paris time* !!!

Interested candidates are asked to contact Maarten Lemmens 
(maarten.lemmens at a.s.a.p. for further information and 
follow-up. Also please carefully read the information below on the 
application procedure.

Pending final approval by the Minister of Education and Research, there 
will be a job opening at the university Lille 3, France for a professor 
position (tenure track) in English linguistics, with strong preference 
for candidates with expertise in Corpus Linguistics and/or syntactic 
theory (or theories). People working in usage-based grammar and corpus 
linguistics are thus particularly encouraged to apply for this position.

Candidates should have a solid research record in the specified domain 
as revealed, primarily, by ample international peer-reviewed 
publications in the years following the PhD. The succesful candidate 
will be expected to direct MA and PhD students; prior experience for 
this is not required but will be a plus. Experience with project 
management is recommended as well. The candidate will be asked to 
integrate within one of the research axes of the reserach center 
“Savoirs, Textes, et Language” (see 
). Teaching will be at undergraduate and graduate level; teaching load 
amounts to 192 hours a year (on average 6 hours per week, during 2 
semesters of 12 weeks). Salary may vary depending on prior occupation, 
but should be minimally around 3,000 euro / month (excluding bonuses) to 
start with and increases every year.

Working knowledge of French will suffice to apply, but the candidate 
will be expected to improve his/her knowledge of French over the first 
years after hiring.

In France, before you can apply for a tenure track position, you need to 
obtain a “qualification” at the level you want to apply for (in this 
case, “Professeur des Universités”). This is done on the basis of an 
evaluation of your file by a national committee (the CNU, Conseil 
National des Universités). While this may seem overly administrative 
hassle, it actually builds in openness to international researchers. 
French researchers wanting to apply for a Professor position need to 
have an “Habiliation à Diriger des Recherches (HDR)”, but the 
qualification procedure allows (non-French) researchers who do not have 
an “habilitation” but have a solid research file to qualify as well.

In order to submit your file for qualification, you first need to sign 
up electronically, providing some basic information about yourself and 
your career. The (rigid!) deadline for signing up is * 29 October 2009, 
16h00 (Paris time)*, so there is some urgency here. Actual submission of 
your file will be done later (deadline December 14). Signing up does not 
oblige you to actually apply for the job later, but you cannot apply for 
a job without the qualification. In fact, the qualification allows you 
to apply to *any* job anywhere in France.

Information about the procedure for the qualification (and later 
“recrutement”) can be found here: 

You sign up via the portal “Galaxie”:

at the right upper corner, click on “acces Galaxie/qualification”, then 
choose the link for new candidats (“Si vous êtes un nouveau candidat ou 
si votre ancien numéro n'est plus reconnu par l'application, veuillez 
<cliquer ici>”) and fill out the form. A login and password will be send 
to you via mail, via which you can go back and update the information 
till you have permanently submitted it (to be done *before* Oct. 29, 16h).

Den bästa taktiken är inte alltid att hålla sig upprätt, utan att lära sig falla mjukt" (Kajsa Ingemarsson, "Små citroner gula", p. 292)
Maarten (=Martin) Lemmens
Professeur en linguistique et didactique des langues
(Spécialités: linguistique anglaise & linguistique cognitive)
Université Lille 3,
B.P. 60149, 59653 Villeneuve d'Ascq Cedex, France
Bureau B4.138; tél.: +33 (0)

Membre de l'UMR 8163 Savoirs, Textes, Langage
Editor-in-Chief "CogniTextes" (revue de l'AFLiCo)
Membre du bureau de l'Association Française de Linguistique Cognitive
Board member of the International Cognitive Linguistics Association

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