Indiana-Purdue job

Chad Thompson thompsoc at
Mon Sep 21 22:44:11 UTC 2009

Thanks, Tom. Also, the contact information for the job should read:

For further information, contact Dr. Hardin Aasand, Chair, Department of English and 
Linguistics, IPFW, 2101 E. Coliseum Blvd., Fort Wayne, IN 46805-1499; email: 
aasandh at; tel: 260-481-6751 

Chad Thompson

>>> Tom Givon <tgivon at> 09/21/09 6:06 PM >>>

Since some people on the list may be interested in this job, I've taken 
the liberty to clean up the announcement just a bit, hopefully. With 
apologies. Best,  TG


The Department of English and Linguistics of Indiana University/Purdue University, Fort Wayne (IPFW) invites applications for a tenure-track appointment in linguistics at the rank of Assistant Professor to begin August, 2010. The position is in the
Teaching English as a New Language program (with state endorsements), and involves developing a separate undergraduate major in Linguistics.

Ph.D. in hand by August, 2010 and a minimum of one year teaching experience are required. 
Applications should includethe following:
Cover letter indicating research focus and teaching experience
Curriculum Vitae
Unofficial Transcripts
Names and contact information for three current referees

Application Deadline: November 16, 2009. First-round interviews will coincide with the Linguistic Society of America conference, 2010, in Baltimore presumably the January meeting?). Please visit our website learn more about our department.

Indiana University/PurdueUniversity, Fort Wayne is located on a growing campus of approximately 13,000students in a metropolitan area of approximately 300,000 people. IPFW is an Equal Opportunity, Equal Access, Affirmative Action University fully committed to a diverse workforce.

Beth Lee Simon, Ph.D.
Professor, Linguistics and English
Indiana University Purdue University
Fort Wayne, In 46805, U.S.
voice (011) 260 481 6761 
email simon at

</tgivon at>

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