HDLS 9 Conference Call for Papers

High Desert Linguistics Society hdls at unm.edu
Mon Jul 19 15:42:45 UTC 2010


Below you will find the call for abstracts for HDLS-9. 
Sorry, we forgot to post the dates of the conference. The 
dates are November 4-6.

We invite you to submit proposals for 20-minute talks with 
5-minute discussion sessions for the Ninth High Desert 
Linguistics Society (HDLS) Conference, to be held at 
University of New Mexico November 4-6. This year we will 
also include a poster session.

Papers and posters in the following areas are particularly 
- Typology, Discourse Analysis, Language Change and 
Variation, Evolution of Language, Grammaticization, Sign 
Languages, Metaphor and Metonymy, Computational 
- Native American Languages, Spanish and Languages of the 
American Southwest, Language Revitalization and 
- Sociolinguistics, Sociocultural Theory, Bilingualism, 
First Language Acquisition, Second Language Acquisition

Keynote speakers
Ian Maddieson (University of New Mexico, University of 
California, Berkeley)
Spike Gildea (University of Oregon)
Terry Janzen (University of Manitoba)

The deadline for submitting abstracts is Friday, August 
27th, 2010.

Abstracts should be sent via email, as an attachment, to 
hdls at unm.edu. Please include the title "HDLS-9 abstract" 
in the subject line. Include the title "HDLS-9 Poster 
Session" in the subject line for abstracts submitted for 
the poster session. MS-Word format is preferred; RTF and 
PDF formats are accepted. The actual abstract must not 
have your name on it- only the title of the project, which 
we can then match up with the information you send us in 
the email. You may also send hard copies of abstracts 
(three copies) to the HDLS address listed at the bottom of 
the page.

The e-mail must include the following information:
1. Author's name(s)
2. Author's affiliation(s)
3. Title of the paper or poster
4. E-mail address of the primary author
5. A list of the equipment you will need
6. Whether you will require an official letter of 

The abstract should be no more than one page in no smaller 
than 11-point font. A second page is permitted for 
references and data. Only two submissions (for 
presentations) per author will be accepted and we will 
only consider submissions that conform to the above 
guidelines. If your abstract has special fonts or 
characters, please send your abstract as a PDF. Please be 
advised that shortly after the conference a call for 
proceedings will be announced. Poster Session - 
Participants will be given a space approximately 6' by 4' 
to display their work.

Notification of acceptance will be sent out by September 
10th, 2010.

If you have any questions or need for further information 
please contact us at hdls at unm.edu with "HDLS-9 Conference" 
in the subject line. The HDLS mailing address is:

HDLS, Department of Linguistics,
MSC03 2130,
1 University of New Mexico,
Albuquerque, NM. 87131-001 USA

HDLS officiers,

President: Sook-Kyung Lee
Vice president: Susan Brumbaugh
Secretary: Motomi Kajitani
Treasurer: Shelece Easterday

High Desert Linguistics Society
Department of Linguistics
The University of New Mexico
hdls at unm.edu

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