Why Netiquette matters...

Paul Hopper hopper at cmu.edu
Wed Mar 9 22:23:27 UTC 2011

Well said, Alex. A dignified response to a cruel ad hominem "joke".


>Hey, you finally broke a FUNKNET record. Care to guess which one?  TG

On Wed, March 9, 2011 01:46, alex gross wrote:
> Tom, I like to imagine that I possess a sense of fitness and
> of humor.  So let me tell you in no uncertain terms that I have not the
> slightest intention of ever engaging in a flame war with you (though I bet
> if I did, I would win :-)  ).  This is because I have deep respect for you
> and for everyone here, including those I do not agree with, simply because
> you have all collectively undertaken the often thankless task of trying to
> understand how language works.
> That said, with all respect I can't help wondering if it was entirely
> appropriate for you, seconded by Chris, to suggest that the apparent lack
> of response to some of my messages might just indicate that my presence
> here may be superfluous. Based on my experience since 1991 with
> discussions on learned groups, in my opinion both those messages could be
>  interpreted as an invitation and/or instigation to a flame war, a
> challenge I
> absolutely will not accept.
> Flame wars are not merely bad Netiquette, they are boring and/or
> irritating to read, they shed no light but only heat and passion, and they
> diminish standards of discussion for everyone wherever they occur.
> I wonder if it might not be  appropriate for you to consider that
> perhaps you yourself might conceivably be one reason why debate is
> sometimes curtailed here, why some  contributors might think twice about
> posting, and why a number of us may not always receive as many replies as
> we might.
> All the very best!
> alex

Paul J. Hopper
Paul Mellon Distinguished Professor of Humanities
Department of English
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
Senior External Fellow
School of Linguistics and Literature
Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies (FRIAS)
Albertstr. 19
D-79105 Freiburg i.Br.

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