Why Netiquette matters...

Brian Nolan brian.nolan at gmail.com
Thu Mar 10 18:46:54 UTC 2011


This rant below is really quite inappropriate for this type of list..and very immature.


Sent from my iPhone
Dr. Brian Nolan

On 10 Mar 2011, at 18:26, Thomas Pinto <thomasa.pinto at gmail.com> wrote:

> Alex Gross have you ever considered why you ‘may not always receive as many
> replies as you might’ is probably due to the fact that you are pretentious
> self indulgent attention whore?   Your bio presented on your website is both
> laughable and embarrassing.      http://language.home.sprynet.com/
>> A practicing polyglot, Alex Gross has meddled in more nations and cultures
> than he ever had the right to do—and he has left a few traces of his
> activities behind him in all of them. Selig-like, he seamlessly blended into
> his surroundings and propelled both artistic and political motion in Germany,
> the UK, the US, and Holland.
>> Over the last thirty-five years Chinese Medicine, the Ancient Greek
> Theatre, Artificial Intelligence, the Unabomber, Dramaturgy for the Royal
> Shakespeare Company, Translation in Theory and Practice, Radio Announcing in
> Spain, and unceasingly Language and Linguistics have been just some of the
> causes and activities where he has left tangible and legible traces.
> Ugh. Ego much?  Your observations and ideas often have some merit and
> insight but these are offset by your use of this discussion group as a
> Kleenex for your mental masturbation.   Yes, Jess Tauber and the chimp
> researcher Aya Katz also seem to enjoy posting and ruminating but at least
> they have proper training and a background in language and linguistics not
> like your ad hoc hodge podge set of skills and supposed qualifications.
> As you so aptly pointed out I wonder if it might not be appropriate for you,
> Alex Gross, to consider that perhaps you yourself might conceivably be one
> reason why debate is sometimes curtailed here and why some contributors
> might think twice about posting.

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