open swim

Zaal Kikvidze Zaal.Kikvidze at LING.LU.SE
Fri Apr 30 16:53:39 UTC 1999

To my mind, the first question (Should the organization take an explicitly
feminist stance? If so, how?) is actually *first* and most urgent to begin
with bicause, according to how it is solved, the organization will shape
not only qualitatively but also quantitatively (for instance, I cannot
become a feminist); and, why should we deprive other approaches to
contribute to "gender and language" within GALA?

Thanks for breaking the silence.

Zaal Kikvidze

Dr. Zaal Kikvidze
Dept. of Linguistics and Phonetics
Lund University
Helgonabachen 12
S-223 62  LUND


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