let's go

Megan J. Crowhurst mjcrowhu at EMAIL.UNC.EDU
Wed Feb 24 00:02:10 UTC 1999

Hi folks,

The first item on the agenda was raised for discussion a few days ago; has
there just not been any discussion, or did I somehow get kicked off the


> ...proceed with the first proposed discussion item:
> I. philosophy of GALA,
>  a)  What will happen when the six months are up?  How will we implement our
> discussion and resolutions?

So, does this mean that this list will work for six months, and then if we
still want a list, we should start a new one?

Speaking as a member (and not as a facilitator), I think an email list
will be a truly important tool in helping this to be a really diverse,
international community.  So, I would be in favour of continuing the email
list in some form.  Also, email is the cheapest, quickest, and easiest way
to get information to and receive feedback from people within the
organization.  ...but perhaps it shouldn't be the *only* way? What about
including members who may have only sporadic access (if any) to email?

Speaking as a facilitator now, it had occurred to me to wonder whether the
process we're leading the list into now seems bewildering, and whether
we've really explained what the process is and why we're doing it this
way.  As it turns out, all of the facilitators of this list are or have
been members of COSWL (the LSA's Committee on the Status of Women in
Linguistics).  COSWL members are selected from different geographical
reagions within the USA (and Canada?) and so much of the Committee's work
takes place on email.  The standard procedure for that organization is to
have prearranged times for email meetings--at least one summer meeting and
one winter meeting (and maybe others I've forgotten about).  Prior to the
meeting, the co-chairs solicit contributions for an agenda, then the
agenda is approved and distributed, and the various items are then raised
and discussed in sequence, just as at a business meeting.  In case some of
us are so familiar with the format that it hasn't been explained well to
others (and I've not been reading carefully lately, so excuse me if this
is all repeated), this is where the process has come from.


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