
Mary Bucholtz bucholtz at TAMU.EDU
Thu Feb 25 22:23:45 UTC 1999

I'm glad people are coming up with so many good ideas about the philosophy
of the organization. Speaking as a facilitator for a moment, however, I'd
like to request that we hold off on discussing issues of feminism and
interdisciplinarity until we reach those agenda items (they're coming up
soon: check the archives for Feb. 8 for the full agenda: It seemed to the
facilitators that we should first talk about exactly what will happen when
this discussion ends, so that we have a clear goal in sight before we start
figuring out how to get there. We don't want the six-month discussion to
end without a clear sense of what will happen next.

To that end (I'm switching hats to participant now), I'd like to suggest
the following procedure for the implementation process:

1. When the discussion ends in six months, we call for nominations for a
temporary executive committee with a one-year term of office
2. We hold an online election.
3. The committee takes the principles that emerged during the discussion
and drafts by-laws for the organization, sets up an institutional structure
(non-profit status and the like), and otherwise gets things rolling.
4. As its last duty, the committee organizes an executive committee or
whatever form of officers we (the list) decide we want.

This is more or less what we proposed in the initial statement of purpose
for the list, but before we commit to it we need to know if there are any
objections to it. Comments?


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