proposal: final details re structure

Mary Bucholtz bucholtz at TAMU.EDU
Fri Mar 17 18:57:48 UTC 2000

Dear all,

We will soon be conducting elections for the governing structure of IGALA.
Before we do so, however, we have to resolve some unfinished business:

1. We have not yet approved the form of the executive committee. The
proposed form below is based on the original proposal, with modifications
based on members' suggestions. The executive committee may later propose
changes to this form, to be voted on by the membership.

2. Although the initial proposal was for one-year offices for the first
year, with possibility of re-election, the rapid development of the
organization over the past year suggests that continuity of leadership is
needed. The facilitators propose that the normal term lengths for offices
take effect immediately, rather than after next year's election.

3. We did not vote on who would appoint the professional seats to the
Advisory Council; the facilitators propose that both political and
professional seats be appointed by the Executive Committee, based on
recommendations developed by the sitting Advisory Council members (that is,
for this first appointment, the six elected AC members).

The following proposals are now available for discussion:

1. The executive committee will consist of the following members:

- President (2-year appointment, nonrenewable)
- Vice-President/President-Elect (2-year appointment, nonrenewable)
- Conference Chair (1-year appointment on Executive Committee, 2 years;
after that on the Conference Committee in advisory capacity; nonrenewable)
- Financial Officer (3 years; renewable)
- Secretary (3 years; renewable)
- Chair of the Advisory Council (3 years/2 years if student; renewable)

NOTE: We have removed the position of Journal Editor, pending the outcome
of discussions regarding a new language and gender journal being initiated
by Sara Mills and her colleagues. A separate election on this issue may be
held later.

2. The officers elected by the membership in the first election will hold
office for the regular term lengths approved by the membership.

3. The six appointed seats on the Advisory Council (representing
professional and political concerns) will be appointed by the Executive
Committee, based on recommendations developed by the sitting Advisory
Council members.

If you would like to make any amendments to the above proposals, or if you
would like to offer a different proposal, please post your comments to the
list by no later than SUNDAY, MARCH 19. We will vote on these three issues
immediately after that time.

Our apologies for the very short time frame.


Mary Bucholtz
Assistant Professor of Linguistics and Discourse Studies

Department of English
Texas A&M University
4227 TAMU
College Station, TX 77843-4227

bucholtz at
phone: (409) 862-3910
fax: (409) 862-2292

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