Language, Gender and Healthy Eating

Jane j.sunderland at LANCS.AC.UK
Wed Apr 6 21:03:38 UTC 2005

And it raises the question of whether IGALA could usefully play a role
as a pressure group in response to this sort of thing.

Jane Sunderland

Jane Sunderland
Director of Studies, PhD in Applied Linguistics by Thesis and Coursework
and New Route PhD
Dept. of Linguistics and English Language
Lancaster University
Lancs. LA1 4YT

j.sunderland at

-----Original Message-----
From: International Gender and Language Association
[mailto:GALA-L at LISTSERV.LINGUISTLIST.ORG] On Behalf Of Valentina Pagliai
Sent: 06 April 2005 21:48
Subject: Re: Language, Gender and Healthy Eating

Wonderful example to use in my class when on language and gender,
thanks! As to what to do, I am not sure. What about a website dedicated
to these kinds of stereotypes?

Valentina Pagliai
Oberlin College

On Apr 6, 2005, at 4:39 PM, Lucy Horder wrote:

Dear List members,

Recently, I decided to buy a juicer. According to the literature,
juicers are a great way to fit in your RDA of 5 portions of fruit and
veg if you're like me and don't really enjoy eating fruit.

The juicer I ended up buying included a leaflet that gave some tips on
healthy eating, as well as a few recipes and ideas. I was stunned by the
inclusion of the following paragraphs in this guidance:

"The average woman - say someone who weighs 10 and a half stone - uses
in an average day around 2000-2200 calories. Of those calories,
1400-1500 will be burned by her body performing its everyday bodily
activities - heart pumping, tissue renewing, general maintenance and

A mere 600-700 calories will be burned by her preparing and taking the
children to school, going to work all day, cooking tea for her children
and dinner for her husband, followed by perhaps an hours ironing!"

No mention is made, incidentally, of men who might wish to eat more
healthily, and the kinds of activities that they might engage in to help
them burn off calories (although perhaps that's for the best...)

I have written to the manufacturers and protest heavily at the inclusion
of this statement in their leaflet, but, unsurprisingly, have not yet
had a reply. I'd be interested to hear some comments from you all if you
are as alarmed by this whole episode as I am.

Yours (fuming),



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