Call for materials for IGALA-4 graduate student workshop

Susanne B. Unger sbu at UMICH.EDU
Sat Oct 14 19:50:21 UTC 2006

Dear Participants of IGALA 4,

as part of the 2006 IGALA conference I am organizing a workshop for 
scholars who are in the early stages of their careers (mainly graduate 
students and post-graduate students) to share information about funding 
opportunities, research opportunities, and publication opportunities 
for young scholars conducting research on topics relevant to language, 
gender, and sexuality.

If you are planning to attend this workshop and would like to share 
relevant information or materials, I would appreciate it if you sent me 
an e-mail by *Friday, October 27, 2006* so that I can organize and 
duplicate them prior to the workshop. Examples could include: 
institutions that offer financial or material support for scholarship 
on language, gender, and sexuality in different countries, conferences 
and essay contests for graduate students working on these research 
topics, etc. Ideally, this information will not be limited to 
English-speaking institutions and/or countries. If you wish, you may 
also bring handouts with information about institutions, websites, or 
other materials to the actual workshop to share with fellow 
participants. If you wish to share any information about resources that 
are offered by institutions in countries in which English is not a 
dominant language, please indicate whether knowledge of any of the 
local languages is required in order to apply for these resources.

Any items you would be willing to contribute would be greatly 
appreciated. Please do not reply to the entire listserv, but only to me 
at sbu at

Thank you in advance,

Susanne Unger

Susanne B. Unger
Ph.D. Candidate in Linguistic Anthropology
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

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