Language and Gender in African Contexts seminar (London, Nov. 14)

Jane Sunderland j.sunderland at LANCASTER.AC.UK
Sun Aug 31 18:37:59 UTC 2008

Dear all
I have just sent more details of this event to those people who
expressed interest. If I've missed you (i.e. if you didn't receive the
new message, complete with attachment), or if you have newly decided
that this is something that might interest you, let me know
(j.sunderland at <mailto:j.sunderland at>  - not the
whole GALA-L List), and I will send the details to you.
Jane Sunderland
Director of Studies, PhD in Applied Linguistics by Thesis and Coursework
and New Route PhD
Dept. of Linguistics and English Language
Lancaster University
Lancs. LA1 4YT
j.sunderland at
For the new Gender and Language Journal (details and subscriptions), see
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