IGALA membership & Gender and Language Journal subscription

Ana Cristina Ostermann aco3 at TERRA.COM.BR
Thu Jul 3 00:54:16 UTC 2008

Dear GALA-L subscribers

Although many of you are members of IGALA (the International Gender and
Language Association), many of you are not. I am writing now, as
President of IGALA, to ask you to extend your membership of the GALA-L
List to becoming a member of IGALA itself and, hopefully, a subscriber
to the new 'Gender and Language' journal. By doing this you will help to
keep the journal afloat, and you will receive the journal yourself.
(It's cheaper to subscribe to the journal when you join IGALA.) And
subscriptions are extremely good value, compared with other journals,
especially for students and people from developing countries.

To join IGALA (and subscribe to the journal - 2 issues for
2008), simply click on


Print off the form, complete it, and mail it to Equinox.

Note that there is also an online subscription form:


This also gives information about institutional membership (please pass
this on to your University library, Departmental library representation,
or whoever can help with such a subscription). Note however that neither
institutions nor students/people from developing countries/unemployed
people can subscribe online (you get a special discount rate).

As a member, you will also be able stand for office on the IGALA
Executive and Advisory Committees, and will be able to vote in IGALA
elections. You can also include IGALA on your CV/resume, as a
professional body of which you are a member.

We do hope that we can look forward to receiving your membership
application soon. If you have any queries, please get in touch with me
(j.sunderland at lancs.ac.uk) or Ana Ostermann (aco at unisinos.br) IGALA

With best wishes

Jane Sunderland
IGALA President

j.sunderland at lancs.ac.uk

IGALA http://www.lancs.ac.uk/fass/organisations/igala/index.html

IGALA5 conference (Wellington, NZ) http://www.victoria.ac.nz/igala5 

P.S. Those of you attending IGALA5 in Wellington will also be able to
join there, and you may pay in NZ dollars. You may also join there on
behalf of someone else. 


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