LSA session proposal - ethics & language and gender research -- any takers?

Tanya Matthews tlm15 at CORNELL.EDU
Sat Jun 28 23:20:13 UTC 2008

Dear Igala members,

I'm wondering if anyone on this list would be interested in putting together
a 3 person session (3 separate papers) on research ethics/ethical
considerations for language and gender researchers for the LSA meeting in
San Francisco this coming January. I'm looking for two people who will
definitely be going to the LSA, and who can get good solid abstracts to me
in the next couple of weeks.  The 3 abstracts and 3-page proposal are due
August 1st and I want to have it done early.  I think we have a fairly good
chance of being accepted if we have a strong proposal.

My idea is that the session, and all three papers, would focus on the
ethical issues that arise in language and gender research with different
types of communities or groups.  I would present something about research
with teens (and social networking), and the other two presenters would
present something about their own research.  I would like it if the other
papers complemented my topic, which of course means that it the papers could
come from work with pretty much any community.  Some of the ideas that come
to mind immediately are research with LGTB individuals and communities,
indigenous populations, health care patients, migrant workers, office
workers, island communities. I'm not wed to any of these ideas so if you're
interested please contact me off list and let me know what your thoughts
are. If you have trouble with the response email account please feel free to
contact me at tanyam at


Tanya Matthews, Ph.D.
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