Critical discussions of feminist CA.

Joshua Raclaw Joshua.Raclaw at COLORADO.EDU
Sun Jun 29 03:49:37 UTC 2008

Dear all,

I'm looking for critical discussions of feminist conversation analysis (e.g. Wowk 2007, Hegarty 2007) or rejoinders to such critiques (e.g. Kitzinger 2007).  I'm largely interested in those published after 2000 and aimed specifically at the framework as articulated by Kitzinger and others, though am also looking for suggestions for critical discussions of examining gender or other feminist concerns within CA more broadly (e.g. the Schegloff, Wetherell and Billig exchanges).  Is anyone familiar with any of these discussions in print?

All best,


Hegarty, P. (2007) ‘What Comes after Discourse Analysis for LGBTQ Psychology?’, in V. Clarke and E. Peel (eds) Out in Psychology: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Queer Perspectives, pp. 41–57. London: Wiley.

Kitzinger, Celia. (2007) “Feminist Conversation Analysis: Research by Students at the University of York, UK,” Feminism & Psychology 17(2): 133-148.

Wowk, Maria. (2007) “Kitzinger's Feminist Conversation Analysis: Critical Observations,” Human Studies 30(2): 131-155.

Joshua Raclaw - PhD student
Department of Linguistics
Program in Women & Gender Studies
University of Colorado at Boulder
joshua.raclaw at

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