MA in Gender and Language?@Carmen

Anna Serpa bserpa at YAHOO.COM
Wed Nov 17 21:13:15 UTC 2010

I´d be more than glad if you could send me the names of the professors and research lines at PUC and UFRJ. I was a student at UFRJ , left the MA in 2006 and I am also aquainted to Professor Heye at PUC - at present he´s retired -  who saw my work, really liked it, but said the same as all others, concerning the scope of it. 
Speaking as a carioca researcher and ex student, I guess the problem is the way things are organized at  research in Rio Unis - I mean in Languages. It is conservative, at least in RJ, and by conservative I mean procedures, course structure and professors in general. For instance, at UFRJ, just as an example, people who were part of the Sociolinguistic  group had to take Gerativism as a mandatory course and the other way round simply didn´t happen. Dissertations on something that´s new are simply discouraged, they tell students to "leave it for the doctorate" - yes, in Rio we can´t go for Doc. straight even if the student has something great in hands.  We have to take the MA first, and dont´mind me saying, waste time on subjects that are simply off of our work, specially if inedit. I have ex students that are taking the MA in UERJ, UFRJ, PUC-RJ, UFF, brilliant ones who say that MA is a waste of time, it´s sometimes even devolping the
 original work of head professors, so they do it just to get the title and that´s it. They leave to Unis abroad, just like you and many others. It´s terrible for Rio and Brazil as a whole. This is the panoram I have been facing since 2005. But I don´t know about the rest of Brazil. I know that Rajan has made great changes in Unicamp and that USP is more open, but for the moment, I can´t leave Rio.
I can´t really recall anyone or any line who could host my studies and believe me, I have searched all over RJ. I don´t want to leave Brazil or Rio, but if you´d like it, I could send you an abstract and maybe you could tell me where could it fit in Santa Catarina. I´d really appreciate it, I was about to give up.
Thanks in advance,

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