Search for new co-editor for Gender and Language

Litosseliti, Evangelia L.Litosseliti at CITY.AC.UK
Mon Mar 7 21:22:46 UTC 2011

Search for new co-editor for Gender and Language

The journal of Gender and Language is soliciting nominations (by others or by candidates) for the position of co-editor.

Gender and Language is the journal of the International Gender and Language Association (IGALA). The journal appears twice a year. The journal encourages discussion and debate about the implications of different definitions of gender and different approaches to analyzing the production and interpretation of texts and speech. It welcomes research employing a range of linguistic approaches (e.g. conversation analysis, discourse and text analysis, ethnography of communication, pragmatics, variationist sociolinguistics, interactional sociolinguistics, stylistics) and from a variety of disciplines, including linguistics, anthropology, women and gender studies, education, philosophy, psychology, folklore, sociology, communication studies, queer studies, literary and cultural studies, as it aims to foster interdisciplinary discussion and dialogue among these disciplines.
For further information on the journal, please see

The position has a 3 year term (July 1, 2011 – June 30, 2014).  The journal has two co-editors, who rotate off at staggered intervals.  Bonnie McElhinny’s contribution as co-editor, coming to an end in June 2011, has helped immensely to establish and strengthen the journal; we would like to thank Bonnie for her outstanding contribution and hard work. Ann Weatherall will continue to serve as co-editor for another two years (i.e. until the end of 2012); the journal and the incoming co-editor will be benefitting from Ann’s wealth of experience.

Interested candidates should send CVs, and a brief statement of interest in the position by 25 March 2011 to Lia Litosseliti, IGALA Vice-President/ President-Elect, City University London (l.litosseliti at<mailto:l.litosseliti at>).

Informal queries about the post should be directed to Bonnie McElhinny, Director, Women and Gender Studies Institute, University of Toronto (bonnie.mcelhinny at<mailto:bonnie.mcelhinny at>).

Dr Lia Litosseliti
Senior Lecturer in Linguistics & Programme Director for BSc (Hons) Speech and Language Therapy
Department of Language and Communication Science
City University London
Northampton Square
London EC1V 0HB

l.litosseliti at

VP/ President Elect of the International Gender and Language Association (IGALA) -
For the Gender and Language journal (details and subscriptions), see:
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