Support GALA-L and IGALA: Your donation needed!

Mary Bucholtz bucholtz at LINGUISTICS.UCSB.EDU
Mon Mar 7 21:42:08 UTC 2011

Dear all,

It's time once again for the annual LINGUIST List fundraising drive. LINGUIST generously hosts GALA-L at absolutely no charge, and it's important for our subscribers and IGALA members to support this invaluable resource in order to keep both GALA-L and LINGUIST available to the academic community. Even small contributions help, so please contribute whatever you can.

You can donate here:

Thanks very much for supporting GALA-L, IGALA, and LINGUIST!

GALA-L List Owner

Mary Bucholtz, Professor
Department of Linguistics
3432 South Hall
University of California, Santa Barbara
Santa Barbara, CA 93106-3100

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