IGALA 'Media Communications' Policy

Litosseliti, Evangelia L.Litosseliti at CITY.AC.UK
Tue May 3 14:46:29 UTC 2011

IGALA 'Media Communications' Policy - Reminder

Are you a paid up member of IGALA?

*         Have you thought about writing, as a member of IGALA, to your local/national or international press or other organisations on issues pertaining to language, gender and sexuality (e.g. responding to potentially sexist use of language/ image/ policy; contributing to a gender, language and sexuality debate, etc.)?

*        Have you had some of your research on language, gender and sexuality recently mentioned in media articles/ radio interviews/ podcasts that you would like to share with other IGALA members?

This is just a reminder that there is a procedure in our organisation for doing this, and you can find it on the IGALA website:


Thank you for supporting the International Gender and Language Association.

Lia Litosseliti (for IGALA)

Dr Lia Litosseliti
Senior Lecturer in Linguistics & Programme Director for BSc (Hons) Speech and Language Therapy
Department of Language and Communication Science
City University London
Northampton Square
London EC1V 0HB

l.litosseliti at city.ac.uk<mailto:l.litosseliti at city.ac.uk>

Vice President/ President Elect of the International Gender and Language Association (IGALA) -  http://www.lancs.ac.uk/fass/organisations/igala/Index.html
For the Gender and Language journal (details and subscriptions), see: http://www.equinoxjournals.com/GL/index

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