CLASP III Call for Papers (Extended - May 15 deadline)

Joshua Raclaw Joshua.Raclaw at COLORADO.EDU
Wed May 4 18:29:48 UTC 2011

Extended CFP for CLASP III - please distribute widely.

---- Original message ----
>Date: Wed, 4 May 2011 11:19:53 -0600
>From: owner-ling-grads at lists.Colorado.EDU (on behalf of William Corvey <William.Corvey at>)
>Subject: CLASP III Call for Papers (Extended)  
>To: ling-grads <ling-grads at>
CLASP III - Call For Papers -- EXTENDED until May 15

The program in Culture, Language and Social Practice at the University of Colorado at Boulder is pleased to invite abstract and panel proposals for its 3rd biannual CLASP Conference, October 7-9. Both paper and panel submissions should address the relationship of language to culture and society; examples of possible frameworks or analytic traditions may include, but are not limited to:

 sociolinguistics                             linguistic anthropology
 conversation analysis                   critical discourse analysis
 bilingualism & codeswitching       language socialization
 narrative studies                          verbal art & performance
 language & literacy                      language globaalization

Panel Submissions
Panel proposals should be organized as mini calls for papers in their own right, suggesting a cohesive topical or methodological theme for potential submissions. Proposals will be posted to the conference website as they are received in order to help coordinate paper submissions around a particular topic.

Organizing a full panel is not necessary for submitting a panel proposal, as other presenters are likely to submit a paper abstract for a particular panel independently after seeing it posted here. For those interested in organizing full panels on their own, please note that panels will be limited to a total of four papers.

Submission Instructions
Panel proposals of up to 250 words should be submitted by May 15 to the email address below, and will be posted to the conference website upon reception. Abstracts of 500 words for 20-minute papers may be submitted for an individual panel or independently, and should be submitted before May 15.

Paper submissions should be sent as attachments (DOC or PDF) via email toclasp.conference AT, and should only contain the title and abstract for the paper. The body of the email should contain the following:

Author Name(s)
Paper Title
Proposed panel (if any)

Joshua Raclaw - PhD student
Department of Linguistics
Program in Women & Gender Studies
University of Colorado at Boulder
joshua.raclaw at

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