A 'new' one

Dr. MJ Hardman hardman at UFL.EDU
Sun Nov 17 22:04:31 UTC 2013

This message was not sent to this list; I apologize; I do not know how it
came to be here.  MJ

On 11/17/13 12:10 PM, "Dr. Hardman" <hardman at ufl.edu> wrote:

> Jatxaya is 'cook' as a verb.  From the first time I saw it, more than half a
> century ago, I thot that -ya was a causative, but I could never get the form
> without it.  Dr. B just gave it to me -- I think it's the work on
> Birioukova's thesis that is making him think of some of these -- and I get
> Ukaq jatxawa' -- that is cookable -- i.e., 'jatxa' is a NOUN & I never knew
> how to ask for it 'cookable' referring to a food.  Would be used about kinds
> of potatoes, etc.
> Just thought you would enjoy.  When it comes time for a dissertation
> derivationals, or a journal paper, a lot of the three syllable verbs will
> need looking at.
> BTW -- these means we need to search the db and correct.
> Dr. MJ Hardman
> Professor Emeritus
> Linguistics, Anthropology and Latin American Studies
> University of Florida
> Doctora Honoris Causa UNMSM, Lima, Perú
> website:  http://clas.ufl.edu/users/hardman/

Dr. MJ Hardman
Professor Emeritus
Linguistics, Anthropology and Latin American Studies
University of Florida
Doctora Honoris Causa UNMSM, Lima, Perú
website:  http://clas.ufl.edu/users/hardman/ 

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