[Gala-l] Gender and Language 12.2 (2018) table of contents-notification of online publication

Ailsa Parkin aparkin at equinoxpub.com
Thu Jul 5 11:41:00 UTC 2018

Gender and Language 12.2 (2018) table of contents
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*Gender and Language*

*Issue 12.2 (2018) table of contents*

The language of cisnormativity: children and parents in interaction with a
multimodal app
*Stina Ericsson*

Dragging up the past: investigating historical representations of drag in
South Africa
*T. L. McCormick*

An analysis of Charles Dickens’s gender-based use of speech verbs
*Pablo Ruano*

Girls’ sexual subjectivity in a secondary language classroom
*Angelica Simonsson , Petra Angervall*

Postfeminism – for whom or by whom? Applying discourse analysis in research
on the body and beauty (the case of black hair)
*Ewa Glapka*

*Book review-open access-online only*
*Gender and Sexuality in English Language Education: Focus on Poland* by
Lukasz Pakula, Joanna Pawelczyk & Jane Sunderland
*Allyson Jule*
Carmen Rosa Caldas-Coulthard <carmenrosacaldas at gmail.com>
University of Birmingham, United Kingdom and Federal University of Santa
Catarina, Brazil
Tommaso M. Milani <Tommaso.Milani at wits.ac.za>
University of Gothenburg, Sweden

*Book Review Editor*
Cecilia Chiacchio <cechialp at gmail.com>
Universidad Nacional de le Plata, Argentina

*Gender and Language*

ISSN: 1747-6321 (print)
ISSN: 1747-633X (online)
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