[Gala-l] Call for Papers - Panel on "The Variance of Sexual Normativity" - Lavender Languages and Linguistics Conference 2020

Heiko Motschenbacher motschenbacher at em.uni-frankfurt.de
Sun Aug 11 20:20:37 UTC 2019

Call for Papers 

Panel Title:  The Variance of Sexual Normativity 

Organizers: William Leap and HeikoMotschenbacher 

For:    The 27thAnnual Lavender Languages Conference, March 27-29, 2020,                      San Francisco, CA 


Discussionsof heteronormativity are often phrased in the singular, to make the point that theprivileges and exclusions associated with a heteronormative position are consistentand invariant, regardless of temporal or social location. In much the same way,discussions of homonormativity often assume that certain consistencies inprivilege and exclusion extend, without variation, to same-sex andtransgressive sexual subjects, regardless of context. Understandably,discussions of hetero/homonormativity often begin to consider how variousclaims to sexuality become a source -- or an obstacle -- to normativecompliance. Not discounting the importance of such inquiry, this panel remainsfocused on the texture of the normative in such instances. Thelanguage-centered case studies discussed in this panel show how normativedemands and their regulatory consequences can be as variable and flexible asare the subjects’ demonstrations of normative compliance or resistance. 

            The panel organizers invitecolleagues to propose papers for this session which use context-specific discussionsof language and sexuality to disclose the variability underlying hetero- andhomo- (and other?) sexual normativities. We welcome papers addressing languageand normativity in historical as well as contemporary contexts.   We areeager to receive papers that work with languages other than English.  

For your paper to be considered for this panel, please submit your proposal to the session organizers (emailaddresses below) no later than September15th.  Conference rulesask that you limit your abstract to 350 words and include nothing that revealsyour identity. 



Borba, Rodrigo; Milani, Tommaso M. (2017):The banality of evil: Crystallised structures of cisnormativity and tactics ofresistance in a Brazilian gender clinic. Journal of Language andDiscrimination 1 (1), 7–33.

Ericsson, Stina (2018): The language ofcisnormativity: Children and parents in interaction with a multimodal app. Genderand Language 12 (2), 139–167. 

Hall, Kira; Levon, Erez; Milani, Tommaso(2019): Navigating normativities: Gender and sexuality in text and talk.Language in Society 48 (4), forthcoming.

Jones, Lucy (2019): Discourses oftransnormativity in vloggers’ identity construction. International Journalof the Sociology of Language 256, 85–101.

Kitzinger, Celia (2005): Heteronormativityin action: Reproducing the heterosexual nuclear family in after-hours medicalcalls. Social Problems 52 (4), 477–498.

Leap, William L. (2013): Queering languageand normativity. Discourse & Society 24 (5), 643–648.

Leap, William L. (2015): Queer linguisticsas critical discourse analysis. In: Deborah Tannen, Heidi E. Hamilton &Deborah Schiffrin (eds.): The Handbook of Discourse Analysis. Secondedition. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell, 661–680.

Motschenbacher, Heiko (2011): Taking QueerLinguistics further: Sociolinguistics and critical heteronormativity research. InternationalJournal of the Sociology of Language 212, 149–179.

Motschenbacher, Heiko (2013): 'Noweverybody can wear a skirt': Linguistic constructions of non-heteronormativityat Eurovision Song Contest press conferences. Discourse & Society 24(5), 590–614.

Motschenbacher, Heiko (2014): Focusing onnormativity in language and sexuality studies: Insights from conversations onobjectophilia. Critical Discourse Studies 11 (1), 49–70.

Motschenbacher, Heiko (2018): Sexuality incritical discourse studies. In: John Flowerdew & John E. Richardson (eds.):The Routledge Handbook of Critical Discourse Studies. Oxford: Routledge,388–402.

Motschenbacher, Heiko (2019): Language andsexual normativity. In: Barrett, Rusty & Hall, Kira (eds.): The OxfordHandbook of Language and Sexuality. Oxford: Oxford University Press,forthcoming.

Paiz, Joshua M. (2015): Over the monochromerainbow: Heteronormativity in ESL reading texts and textbooks. Journal ofLanguage and Sexuality 4 (1), 77–101.

Schneider, Britta (2013): Heteronormativityand queerness in transnational heterosexual Salsa communities. Discourse& Society 24 (5), 553–571.

Schneider, Britta (2013): 'In Salsa, it'sokay to be a woman': Legitimating heteronormativity in a culturally 'other'environment. Journal of Language and Sexuality 2 (2), 262–291.


For more information on this sessionplease contact the session organizers:

William Leap 

Professor Emeritus, Department ofAnthropology, American University 

Affiliated Faculty, Center forWomen’s, Gender & Sexuality Studies, 

Florida Atlantic University 

wlm at american.edu 

Heiko Motschenbacher 

Professor ofEnglish as a Second/Foreign Language

Western NorwayUniversity of Applied Sciences (HVL), Bergen

 motschenbacher at em.uni-frankfurt.de 


For more information about Lav Lgs27, please visit: https://www.ciis.edu/ciis-news-and-events/campus-calendar/lavender-languages-and-linguistics-27-conference

---------------------------------------------Heiko Motschenbacher [currently on research leave: Marie Curie Global Fellow, Florida Atlantic University]

Professor of English as a Second/Foreign LanguageWestern Norway University of Applied Sciences (HVL)Department of Language, Literature, Mathematics and Interpreting
Inndalsveien 28
5063 Bergen, Norway

 General Editor: Journal of Language and Sexuality (JLS) 
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