[gothic-l] Gothic in Romance Languages Part 2 (G-K)

Friþinanþs Ximeneiks jimenezf at ALPHA.MONTCLAIR.EDU
Sat Nov 18 07:51:18 UTC 2000

There are numerous Gothic loan words and a storehouse of personal names in Castillian (Spanish)
Unfortunately, I cannot take time to search for all my notes on the latter. Gamillscheg's " Germanischen Philologie,
Gamillscheg, Ernst, 1935. 3 vols." is a great source for Gothic borrowings in the romance languages,
unfortunately, the tomes are quite rare. The New York Public Library has a copy. I am including some items herein.

ALISI alisi >><<sp.Aliso, Alisar, Aliseda. sp. trans., (To make smooth)-
Fernando alisó la plancha.

BLESTS  >>Schnauben gr. Eng. Trans., (to snort with rage)  <<sp.Bleixar sp., trans., dict. 1572. (to exhale

GAINON gainon >>das Maul aufreissen, gr.<<(eng. trans., to talk big, or blow ones own horn). sp.Gana, Ganar. (sp.
Trans., to win, as in battle or tournament etc.,).
Nuestros soldados ganan todas sus batallas.
Explanaion: It was customary to boast about ones prowess, skill and bravery amongst individuals of the Germanic (and
Celtic) tribes.  After wrestling bouts and military battles the victors would celebrate by feasting on drink (mead)
and wild game during which they would boast about their exploits in game and battle. After a victory, it was
costumary for participants to boast loudly about their courage, strength and reckless abandon.

GANSUS gansus >>Gans Gr.<<(eng. trans., goose) sp.Ganso. (sp. rans.. Goose) Ya es tiempo de dar comida al ganso.

GRIMMS grimms >>Schrecklich<<(eng. trans., alarming, dreadful.) sp.Greima, grimazo
INGRIMJIS ingrimjis >>Schrecklich, Schroff <<(eng. trans., frightful, terrible, dreadful,). sp.Ingrimo, Grima.
(dreadful, frightful)
Cuando vi la creatura su su rostro era grima.

HAGJA hagja >>Pfleger<<(eng. trans. nurse, guardian, curator,). (sp. Aya, nursemaid f.,  Ayo, manservant m.)
Mi aya me cuida con toda su vida.

KUNDJAN kundjan >>Kind<<(eng. trans., kin) sp. Cundir. sp. trans.,(to originate from,
Mi familia cunde de todas las partes de Gothispania.(not yet convinced of this one, it may be from Latin)

LAISTS laists >>Leiden<<(eng. trans., to pay, answer or suffer for another).  sp.Lastar.  sp. trans., (to make
payment, or to spend oneself for another).
A las vegadas lastan justos por pecadores).

LEWJAN  >>Verraten<<gr. trans., (to squeal, to give away; to be "sold down the river") sp.alevosia. sp. trans., (an
action lacking faithfulness in friendship towards another, betrayal). Vielleicht GOT.
Alevosia es la muerte de la amistad.

ALTEWEINS alteweins >>Verrat<<(eng. trans., treason, treachery, betrayal). sp.alevosia
Un gobierno sinistro esta lleno de alevosia y maldad.

LOFA lofa >>Handschuh<< (eng. trans., esparto glove, for cleaning horses).
sp.Lua, Luva. Sp. trans., (mitten used to groom horses.)
Dadme la lua, espero limpiar el caballo.

MARTHUS martus >>Marter<<eng.trans., torture, torment, agony, pang).  sp. Martirio.
No poder ir a la Iglesia es martirio para cristianos.

MATHL  >>Versammlungsort<<(eng.trans., meetingplace) (unfinished notes)

RUNA runa >>Geheimnis<<eng. trans., secret, private, hidden, concealed, er- sinn, mystical sense sp.Adruna. span.
trans.,  ( to divine.) Adrunan con tables de haya. Sp. Adivinar.  Os tireis las barajas y adivinar el futuro.

SKAGKJA skagkja >>Schenk<<gr. trans.,( place for gathering, meetingplace). (unfinished entry)

SKAUTS skauts >>Schoss<<(eng. trans., coat-tail; bosom). sp. Escote, Escotar.  Tengo que escotar esta pieza de ropa.
El escote es muy bajo, se debe alzar.

SNOBO snobo >>Bund, Lampenhaken<<zu ahd. Snuoba alt. sp. esnobon, esnabon; mod. sp. Eslabon sp. trans., (door grasp,
ring-shaped hand grasp, door-knocker, collar).
Se abren puertas usando su eslabón.

SPAURA spaura >>Sporn<<(eng. trans., spurs, goad). sp. Espuela. Sp. trans., (spur).
Me pongo una espuela en cada bota.

STUPJAN stupjan >>an einem Stock anbindem; gr. (tether, tie. )<<sp. Atudir

TAPPA tapa >>Zapfen<<(eng. trans. tap-room; hydrant; toper; plug; bung; spigot; cock; tap); sp.Tapa. sp. trans.,
(top, lid, plug).
Debemos de ponerle la tapa al poso antes de irnos.

TASKON  taskon >>Raffen, ziehen<<(eng. trans. to tug; haul; drag; chomp, at the bit); sp. Tascar. Sp. trans., (to
chomp at the bit, chew grass as do animals).
El caballo le gusta tascar el freno.

THAHSUS Tahsus >>Dach<< (eng. trans. roof; shelter, cover; house); sp. Casas.  Nuestras casas tienen muchas ventanas.

TULD tuld >>Ablautform zu agls. beteldan >>Ausbreiten<<(eng. trans. to spread or branch out, to unfold).  sp.Toldo,
sp. trans., (to spread,) Toldar, Entoldar. Se entolda el cielo con nubes obscuras.

WARJAN warjan >>Wehren, wehr<<(eng. trans., weapon, military equipment; defense, resistance; bulwark, shining armour;
military).  Asturian Sp. Guarir;  Cast.Sp. Guardia, Guardan. Sp. trans., (n.guard; v.to guard). (Los caballeros
guardan la ciudad para que no entren nuestros enemigos.

WINDASTS windasts >>zu windan,Winden<<gr. trans., (to hoist) Asturisch. Guindar: Guindan, sp. trans., ( to hang).
 Guindaste el hombre hasta que su vida termino.  Guindar:  Vamos a guindar un cerdo desde la rama de un arbol.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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