[gothic-l] F-words and Ephesians

Magnus Hreinn Snaedal hreinn at ISMAL.HI.IS
Fri Oct 27 10:16:23 UTC 2000

>In 1:9 appears the word "fauragaleikaida". Comparison with an English
>translation suggests that it means "set out". Lehmann's dictionary, under
>"leikan" states that "fauragaleikaida" was used in Ephesians 1:9 to
>the Greek "protithesthai", meaning "set out". So far so good. Unfortunately,
>"fauragaleikaida" is also mentioned in the dictionary under "raidjan", where
>it is stated that "fauragaleikaida" in E 1:9 was glossed in the margin of
>A Codex as "garaidida", and translated the Greek "proestheto", meaning
>"predordained". So which of these two Greek words was actually used in E
>and what does it mean?
The Greek word used is "proétheto" (aor.med.ind.3sg. of "protíthemi",
protithesthai is the infinitive). According to Streitberg, the gloss is a
more narrow translation of the Greek than the passage occuring in the

>In 2:14 appears "midgardiwaddju faþos gatairands", apparently corresponding
>to the Revised Standard Version's "has broken down the dividing walls of
>hostility." Since "midgardiwaddjus" means "dividing wall" it would be
>to suppose "faþa" means hostility. Unfortunately, it has a meaning much like
>that of "midgardiwaddjus". It would be tempting to amend "faþos" to
>"fijaþwos", meaning "of hostility". But this part of Ephesians appears in
>both the A and B Codexes (with slightly different spellings of
>"midgardiwaddjus"), so presumably the sentence must be accepted as it
>And yet the very word "fijaþwa" comes next, as the start of 2:15. Help.
Here, "faþa" is a translation of "phragmós" 'fencing in, blocking up' while
"fijaþwa" translates "échthra" 'hostility'.
So "midgardiwaddju faþos gatairands" is "breaking the middle wall of the
fence[ing in]".


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