[gothic-l] F-words and Ephesians

Grsartor at AOL.COM Grsartor at AOL.COM
Fri Oct 27 08:18:44 UTC 2000

Hailai allai,

While trying recently to understand the Gothic version of Ephesians I came 
against many difficulties. I will not enlarge on them all, since listmembers 
should not be burdened with my obtuseness. But two of the difficulties are I 
think worth mentioning. At any rate, help would be welcome.

In 1:9 appears the word "fauragaleikaida". Comparison with an English 
translation suggests that it means "set out". Lehmann's dictionary, under 
"leikan" states that "fauragaleikaida" was used in Ephesians 1:9 to translate 
the Greek "protithesthai", meaning "set out". So far so good. Unfortunately, 
"fauragaleikaida" is also mentioned in the dictionary under "raidjan", where 
it is stated that "fauragaleikaida" in E 1:9 was glossed in the margin of the 
A Codex as "garaidida", and translated the Greek "proestheto", meaning 
"predordained". So which of these two Greek words was actually used in E 1:9, 
and what does it mean?

In 2:14 appears "midgardiwaddju faþos gatairands", apparently corresponding 
to the Revised Standard Version's "has broken down the dividing walls of 
hostility." Since "midgardiwaddjus" means "dividing wall" it would be natural 
to suppose "faþa" means hostility. Unfortunately, it has a meaning much like 
that of "midgardiwaddjus". It would be tempting to amend "faþos" to 
"fijaþwos", meaning "of hostility". But this part of Ephesians appears in 
both the A and B Codexes (with slightly different spellings of 
"midgardiwaddjus"), so presumably the sentence must be accepted as it stands. 
And yet the very word "fijaþwa" comes next, as the start of 2:15. Help.

Gerry T.

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