[gothic-l] The First Germanics on the Northern Shore of the Black Sea

keth at ONLINE.NO keth at ONLINE.NO
Sun Oct 29 13:51:38 UTC 2000

Bertil Haggman wrote:
> . . . on the northern shore of the Black Sea. . . . Another name is
>Boudeis maybe to be connected with*biud- (bieten German and bjuda

Gothic has ana-biudan and faur-biudan, with
the meanings "ent-bieten" and "ver-bieten".
It is interesting to see how similar these
forms are to normal modern German.
This is particularly striking  in regard to
prefixes 'ent-' and 'faur-'.

In modern Scandinavian languages the verb
forby(de) is also present, but rather than
being an original Scandinavian form, it
seems to be a Medieval Low German import.
The Norse/Icelandic verb that expresses the
same meaning and use, seems to be "banna".

A Gothic word corresponding to ON boð (=German
"Gebot") seems to be missing from the list
of genuine Gothic words that we have on record.
I wonder what the Gothic term for "the 10 com-
mandments" is. What I seem to finding is
ANABUSNINS, like in Lucas 18:20: "You know the
commandments: no horedom, no killing, no
stealing, etc", which seems to be a list of
the decalogue commands.

(Same thing in Marcus 7:8, 7:9, 10:5, 10:19, 12:28,
12:31 and more references in the other books as well)

It therefore is not directly evident that "Boudeis"
is connected with "bieten", since the Gothic noun
connected to the Gothic verb BIUDAN rather seems
to be BUSN -- though one would have to explain
where the 's' in '-busn' came from. (?)

Best regards

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