[gothic-l] The Several Shapes of Gaut

Bertil Häggman mvk575b at TNINET.SE
Thu Sep 14 14:15:11 UTC 2000

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It is true that Gaut is associated with Odin as a warrior
god, but Gaut was also a High god, a creator god and
a heavenly god. The Gothic warriors carried for instance
on their weapons signs of the moon, a typical fertility
sign. Gaut undoubtedly also took on the form of a
god who promoted harvest. If the Goths were worshiped
a god whose name meant 'man', 'fertilizer' and 'pourer out'
(as in poring out semen) it is not impossible to seem him
also as a fertility god, but not only that.



> Yes, but Gaut is usually identified as Odin (or by some, Tyr).  Fertility is
> assicoated with the Vanir, and with Thor.  I have not seen any ancient
> sources Norse or otherwise, which  assocate Gaut, Odin or Tyr with
> fertility.

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