[gothic-l] The Several Shapes of Gaut

sunburst sunburst at JETSTREAM.NET
Thu Sep 14 20:31:41 UTC 2000

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Hails Bertil!

>It is true that Gaut is associated with Odin as a warrior
>god, but Gaut was also a High god, a creator god and
>a heavenly god.

Which might indicate a connection with Tiw.  Also, Jordanes mentions that
"Mars" was held highest among the Goths, and was reputed to have been born
among them, so that they were actually bestowing worship upon their
ancestor.  However, there is no proof Jordanes was talking about Gaut.

What I am trying to do is find Gaut's place in the pantheon(s) of
Germanic/Norse mythology.  While Norse sources identify Gaut as Odin, some
scholars feel that when Odin usurped Tyr's position at the head of the
AEsir, "Gaut" was one of the bynames Odin absorbed.

That the Goths, coming from Scandinavia as a Vanic cult had Gaut as their
patron god might suggest a connection between Gaut and the Vanir.  This
would seem more likely if, as you say, Gaut is assocated with fertility, and
can be assocated with the Mannus myth.

Or perhaps Gaut is a separate god altogether, as he seems to bear a
combination of qualities held by no other god.  Suggestions and comments are

The Gothic warriors carried for instance
>on their weapons signs of the moon, a typical fertility
>sign. Gaut undoubtedly also took on the form of a
>god who promoted harvest. If the Goths were worshiped
>a god whose name meant 'man', 'fertilizer' and 'pourer out'
>(as in poring out semen) it is not impossible to seem him
>also as a fertility god, but not only that.

Yes, that does indeed make sense.


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