[gothic-l] Re: Goths getting to remote places

Brian Beck babeck at ALPHALINK.COM.AU
Thu Sep 14 21:51:32 UTC 2000

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--- In gothic-l at egroups.com, Manuel Gutierrez Algaba <irmina at c...>
> That's true, very true. But, it's clear that Aryans invaded India,
> and they were not Celts, nor Romans, nor Slavic people, ... the
> bet leans to Goths or a very, very related people.
Are you seriously suggesting that the Aryans who are supposed to have
invaded India were in fact Goths???  The Aryan invasions of India are
usually dated around 1600BC and some modern scholars even suggest an
earlier date of around 3000BC.  Where were the Goths at that date?
Not within a thousand miles of India, I think.  If you want to base
such theories on a couple of similar sounding names, give me a few
for weeks for some research and I'll have the Goths in China, America
and possibly even Australia.
Let's keep our feet on the ground.
Brian Beck

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