[gothic-l] Re: Geats/Gauts/Goths

Ingemar Nordgren ingemar.nordgren at EBOX.TNINET.SE
Tue Jan 16 01:31:00 UTC 2001

--- In gothic-l at egroups.com, Bertil Häggman <mvk575b at t...> wrote:
> Anthony,
> There can hardly be any doubt (see my posting
> to Philip on the list). Who else would they be.
> The closeness to Vaestergoetland geographically
> to Jutland is certainly one of the indications.
> Gothically
> Bertil
> > We also seem to be back at that old query: were the Geats / Gautar 
the same 
> > people as the Goths?

Hello dear Bertil et consortes,

This question is not so very easy answered. It consists of  two 
elements. The problem is that both Gautar and Jutes (Ýtas)definitely 
may be considered Goths/Gothic peoples. Hence the Geatas may  be the 
Gautar but it could also be the Jutes, who provingly settled Britain, 
which is the land where the Beowulf-epos is written. A Swedish 
location if that is true seems to me most likely in Bohuslän and along 
the Gauta elfr which is partly also in Vaestergoetland -   more 
broadly expressed alongt lower part of the river and North of the 
mouth of the river. Gothenburg lies just in the river mouth.Also 
Norwegian folks may be reckoned Gothic and that covers just Bohuslaen 
that was former Norse. I treat the Gothic issue in my book but I have 
not seen reason to involve the late Beowulfian time and so  I am no 
expert in this special question. Still I agree with the connection of 
Weder with the Vaeder-island concept. There are such islands both in 
Bohuslaen and outside Halland/Scania and they seem to be kind of 
border-markings being the utmost islands.Maybe the Weder lived in more 
remote areas-distant (relatively) islands. Just a   whim! Of course 
Tore could claim - meaning  it is the same as ram - it was because of 
they had sheep grazing there in summer which is not quite impossible, 
but for such things there was much closer and better situated islands 
and I reckon  they had a lot of sheep quite outnumbering the capacity 
of these few islands.

Kind greetings

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