[gothic-l] Re: The Rune Ring of Pietroassa

Ingemar Nordgren ingemar.nordgren at EBOX.TNINET.SE
Mon Jan 22 00:40:01 UTC 2001

--- In gothic-l at egroups.com, Bertil Häggman <mvk575b at t...> wrote:
> Ingemar,
> Am sure you have given a fair description
> of Reichert. But there can always be doubts
> concerning interpretations. I think the list
> would like to hear more about Rune 7 in
> gutaniowihailag.
> Gothically
> Bertil

Hi Bertil et al.,

In short Reichert interprets the rune 7 as an destroyed "jer"-rune - 
the rune of seasons and harwesting.He gets the text:"Gutane jer weih 
hailag." He connects the inscription with a Nordic sacral king being 
the guarantor for fertility and good harwest having a responsibility 
to take care of his folk. He also shows the consequenses if the king 
fails his purpose like Domalde, Vikarr et c. The Gothic Ermanaric 
seems to have suffered similar consequenses after being defeated by 
the huns.He also draws parallells with Snorris Heimskringla chap.9 and 
he points out, that the richness there indicated not depends on 
plunder but on a solid harwest and peaceful living which was what the 
king should be the guarantor for.


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