[gothic-l] Eruli or Heruli

Beril Haggman mvk575b at TNINET.SE
Tue Jul 24 18:03:33 UTC 2001


The original Greek rendering is Eruli and
Erouloi. In the passage to Latin sometimes
H appears, which is unetymological like fort instance 
in (H)erminones. Besides the stem would be *er and 
the basic word should be *erula-, erila-, *erla.
Also note the personal names Erl-wini,
Erle-gardis, etc. Also I seem to remember
that Justinian II and Mauricius had the
byname Erullicus added

Jordanes in § 117 mistakenly call the Eruli the
Eluri but several times uses Herulorum in
§§ 117-119.

If you want to use Heruli you are welcome.
Besides Herulen (German, but I have seen Eruler used)
and heruler (Swedish) is used with H. I do recall Johann 
Georg Hamann writing an essay in defense of the letter H. 
Someone had suggested that as H was more or less soundless
anyway, it could just as well be abolished. I would
certainly prefer H being retained.



> I argued with Bertil about that a year ago,
> when he claimed rune stones with "ek erilar"
> inscriptions proved the Heruls resettled in Sweden in the 6th century.
> I then pointed out that there were in fact more ek erilar inscriptions 
> in Norway than in Sweden, and that besides, the Latin sources
> always write it with an "H", which would, according to me, have been
> a real Germanic feature of the pronounciation, and 'ence 'ardly
> 'ave bn dopped fom the ponounciation  :)
> Bertil then answered that "yes, but in Greek it is without h-..."
> I then retorted that in Greek initial h is marked
> with a comma, like in Hellas/Hellenes/Helenic < 'Ellas,
> where the small but significant comma indicates the initial aspirate.
> My point is that the runes reflected the way they actually spoke the words,
> and that hence "Herul" in runes would have to start with the H-rune.
> (just like the Vimose comb inscription that we discussed, also
> started with H)

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