[gothic-l] Re: Attila's Death Song

AElfric and Ursula amale at ANGELFIRE.COM
Sun Nov 4 20:31:44 UTC 2001


Here is my attempt of Attila's death song in GAV.  Corrections and comments are welcome.


Attilins Saggws Dauthis

Auhumists Hunnane, Attila thiudans,
Mundjukin gabaurgans, mahts ains Skwthja,
jah thiudiska reikja, thiutheigs mith manasethai
frauja swinthostaizo, fagristaizo thiudo.
Faurthis unhausidai, hagja braithaize lande,
reikinoda jah raidida, rannida managa;
ba tho Rumonje reikja, rimis ni habaidedun,
usagida jah, ei anthara,
ni birauboda, ni raupjada imma
waurthun, was wuniths, waldufnja lande,
jeraleikamma gilstram, gultha jah bidom.
Thanuh alla tho anstai, ni ajukduthai,
lewis gatawida, listeigs thiudans,
ne wundufnjai fijande, in wairthidai,
ni liugna seinaize, lasiwam aitham,
ak gawairtheigai thiudai, ni waifairhvjandam,
fahedim faginonds, gafetida waila,
inuh wunna gadraus. thata dauthus hvas nu,
kindinis waila kunthis, ufkunnai wisan,
thatei ni ainshun, ni andabahtos sunjis,
ni wair ni wins, fraweitan habaith?

Attilas Death Song

Chief of the Huns,		King Attila,
of Mundiuch born,		sole power of Scythian
and German tribes,		blessed among mankind,
lord of the bravest,		fairest tribes.
Unheard of before,		protector of wide lands,
ruled and ordered, 		caused many to flee;
both the Roman empires,  	did not have peace,
terrified and,			so that the others,
not plundered,			nor pulled out by him
became, was appeased by	the authority of the lands,
with annual tribute,		gold and prayers.
And when all this by favor,	in no time,
of fortune accomplished,	the crafty king,
not by the wound of the enemy, in dignity,
nor by the treachery of friends, in feeble oaths,
but with peace among his tribe, with no loud laments,
in his joy happy,		well ornamented,
without suffering, died.	This as death who now,
of the well known king,	can recognize,
when no-one,			not retainers true,
nor man nor friend,		for vengeance calls?

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