[gothic-l] Pre-Viking Raids and Verland

Bertil Haggman mvk575b at TNINET.SE
Sun Feb 17 16:10:27 UTC 2002

It is quite unnecessary for you to provide the Latin
original text. By now most have access to it
from former contributions.

As I know you cannot do your homework on Scandinavian
sources anyway I find no reason here to provide any
bibliographical information but instead I am providing
a view on the Eruli from a Scandinavian history book:

"Egendomliga oeden hade ocksaa herulerna, som
ursprungligen skall ha bott paa de sedermera danska
oearna, fraan vilka de enligt Jordanes historia föoedrevs
av de svenska danerna. När danerna oevertog det land, som
efter dem skulle heta Danmark, aer oklart, men redan vid
mitten av 200-talet e.Kr. är herulerna laangt nere
vid Svarta Havet tillsammans med goterna och goer sig
saerskilt kaenda genom ett stort roevartaag till
Mindre Asien och grekiska arkipelagen aar 267. Maerkligt
nog upptraeder de fraan 200-talets slut ocksaa som
sjoekrigare i Vaesteuropa. i det vaestromerska riket goer
de sig kaenda som ypperliga legotrupper. Om de maanga
herulerna i romersk tjänst talar det jordskifte, som aeger
rum i Italien efter den siste vaestromerske kejsarens stoertande
aar 476, daa befaelhavaren foer de germanska legotrupperna,
Odovakar, laater skifta ut  en tredjedel av Italiens jord till
de germanska kolonisterna, de s.k. 'heruliska lotterna."

Bertil Haggman

> Yes of course there is. Jordanes wrote in
> Latin, not in English. What you have given us here is
> not necessarily the view of Jordanes but that of
> Mierow. Here is the text of Jordanes:

As Andreas
> pointed out to us, the "qui" may refer to either the
> Danes or to the Eruli. In the former case, it would be
> the Danes who would be claiming priority among all the
> nations of Scandia for their tallness. Which would
> obviously make the Danes a Scandian nation. If this
> interpretation is correct, the status of the Eruli
> would remain obscure. We don't need Jordanes to accept
> the fact that the Eruli became a nation of Scandia:
> Procopius is good enough for that. If "propriis
> sedibus" refers to the territory where the Eruli
> settled after 512, and from which they were ejected by
> the Danes, then their continuing Scandian status
> becomes problematic (we don't know WHERE they wound up
> after being ejected). My point is that on the basis of
> the ambiguous declaration of Jordanes we are not
> entitled to affirm categorically that the Eruli were a
> Scandinavian nation before 512, or that they remained
> one after their expulsion. It is entirely possible
> that they were. But we can't prove it on the basis of
> Jordanes.

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