Contemporary language. [Database]

llama_nom 600cell at OE.ECLIPSE.CO.UK
Tue Apr 17 21:53:25 UTC 2007

--- In gothic-l at, "thiudans" <thiudans at ...> wrote:

> Obviously the examples of -logia in the koine greek have to do with
> words or speaking more than study or science, lat. scientia, gk.
> gnwsis. -waurdei wouldn't work in these cases. I vote for kunthi or
> frodei. There are more roots like witan, laisan, etc. Witan has to do
> with knowing, being wise, having seen, etc.; laisan with learning,
> teaching, having learnt, etc; kunnjan of course has to do with
> familiarity and recognizance; frathjan has to do with understanding,
> comprehension.

I don't see any reason why we can't have synonyms, if -frodei, -kunþi
and -leisei all fit the bill.  Then it's just up to users of the
language which to choose for a particular occasion.  Handy for rhymes
and alliteration too...

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