Principles of reconstruction.

llama_nom 600cell at OE.ECLIPSE.CO.UK
Thu Feb 7 17:08:56 UTC 2008

Right, you asked for it!  Here's six words; no need for embarrassment,
just have a go:

1. bath
2. wood
3. dwarf
4. edge
5. elbow
6. owl

I'm not sure how hard you'll find them.  Obviouslu it'll depend what
you know so far.  Hopefully number one will be fairly straightforward
and the later ones a bit more complicated.  But don't worry if things
get confusing: I admit I did pick some of them to be mean and sneaky
;-)  Well, to demonstrate some principle or sound change.  That's my
excuse...  (For bonus marks, anyone, write a story in Gothic using all
of these words!)


--- In gothic-l at, Justïn <justinelf at ...> wrote:
> Okay, I'm very excited about trying this out, but bear in mind I have 
> NEVER reconstructed before and will likely embarrass myself.
> Could you give me a word to reconstruct using those sources [and 
> Bennett's text] and I will do my would be able to critique 
> my attempt and provide feedback I would certainly not be able to get 
> outside of this group.
> Just tell me a simple word in English and I will attempt to reconstruct 
> it--preferably a word I will be able to find in Old Norse/Old English, 
> etc.

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