proof read a song in Gothic

gutdwala gutdwala at YAHOO.COM
Sat Sep 20 05:19:34 UTC 2008

Sa Liuba Þiwi - here 'Þiwi' need to be in the genitive, the article
should probalby also go with Þiwi, so it would be something like
"Liuba Þizos Þiujos". though Þiwi is the feminine form of the word for
servant. 'MagaÞs' might be more appropriate.

sitls should be in the accusative, since it's the direct object of niman. 

"Þiwi wasida sik miþ hweita wastja" - here, 'Þiwi' without the article
seems awkward to me, but I'm not that knowledgeable about how to use
articles in gothic. in english, and in japanese, i know that a oun is
usually considered definite after it has already been mentioned. if we
keep it indefinite, it makes no sense: "there is a man on a hill. a
man comes down from the hill and pets a dog. a dog is happy and a man
feeds him with food from a store. it was a store where he also bought
groceries." compare that with "there is a man on a hill. THE man comes
down from the hill and pets a dog. THE dog is happy and THE man feeds
him with food from a store. it was THE store where he also bought
groceries." basically, if you've already mentioned an indefinite noun,
it becomes definite in context. the gothic article does work
differently that english though, so there may be nuances to not using one.

--- In gothic-l at, "brynhild84" <AaronCarpenter at ...> wrote:
> would someone be willing to proof read a poem I wrote in Gothic?  Its 
> not up to paar with Tolkien so please butcher it.
> Thank you
> Sa Liuba Þiwi	The Maidens Lover
> Taja laistida afar þiwjos stibnai 	Taja followed the maidens 
> voice
> is bigitiþ liuba seina dalaþa in ahwai	he found his beloved down in 
> the river
> Hweila þwahida mawi naqados	while she bathed naked
> Nam niuja wasti seinos	he took her new clothes
> jah atwandida miþ þiujos wastja 	and returned with the maids 
> clothes
> Du seina garda in fairgunja 	to his house in the mountains
> Si razna Tajos iddja 	She went Taja's house
> Þata aina razna in fairgunja	the one house in the mountains
> "Duhwe nimis wasti meina?"	"Why did you take my clothes?"
> "Lagga mela gairnja handa þeina	"For a long time I've desired your 
> hand
> "Wairþ qino meina!	Become my wife
> Jah nimei sitls þeina!"	and take your throne!"
> Þiwi wasida sik miþ hweita wastja 	The maiden dressed herself 
> with white clothes
> Ja ligandun ana ligra in fairgunja	and they lay on the bed in 
> the mountains

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