
Ivan Kotliarov lrpg at MAIL.RU
Tue Dec 29 20:44:56 UTC 2009

> Everybody is aware of this slavic "translation" which makes no sense at all. The office is of King/Basileus not colonel.

Sorry, this is wrong, unfortunately. Romanian is full of Slavic loanwords (for example the word for war - razboi - is perfectly Slavic). Voyevoda is much more than a simple colonel - this is a military leader, which later evolved into civil leader too - do not forget Polish voivodships, or that Austro-Hungarian emperors also hold the title of Voyevoda for their Serbian possessions.

So do not try to explain everything on the basis of folk etymologies. In Russia there are guys, who thinks that the word Etruscan is just a debased version of the Russian expression "eto russkiye" - these are Russians. I am afraid you make now the same mistake

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